My feel-good song

Monday 4 March 2013

My first music video :D

A few weeks ago a fellow Rhodes student, Kirst Allnutt, also a Journalism Fourth year asked me to be a part of her semester assignment.  A music video :D She remembered me from first year when I performed with a friend at one of the hall balls. She asked me to write a song and record it on my computer to send to her.  She liked the song, but then decided that she was going to ask her friend, Lu (a super cool DJ) to also be a part of the project.  My depressing song and his heavy drops did not collaborate all too nicely so we sadly had to chuck my song completely.  A third friend, Sne, came on board who is the male vocalist.  So far, we have all put together a pretty cool song and spent this entire weekend at Grey dam (I think it's called that) recording my parts of the music video. I had to get my feet quite dirty walking through streams and sloshy mud.  It was pretty cool, but extremely exhausting; I don't know how stars do it.  Also lip-synching can be an awkward experience. I am really excited for the final product! It's been a real experience.

Here is my original song - It's the first song that I have ever written that doesn't sound like Taylor Swift wrote that's a bonus :)

I will post our collaboration at a later stage :)


  1. It's pretty and the technology works! Blog on, Kendra.

    1. aaarrrgghhhh, not Kendra, I knew thatttt. Blog on Kristen, Kristen I tell yer.... [apologies, Kristen, total slide of attention there]
