My feel-good song

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Five songs that have crept into my life

Below are five songs that have crept into my life over the years.  I've tried to choose five that are of fairly different genres so that it doesn't get too boring ¯

Most of these are ones that I've never managed to get sick of.  They consist of those kind of songs that as soon as it starts playing, you literally inhale it and taste it on your tongue.  Sounds cheesy, but that's the only way that I know how to describe it because that is what I physically do as soon as one of them begin to play. 

² Song Number One: 'Dancing Shoes' - Arctic Monkeys

I absolutely love this band.  I was introduced to them in grade 10 by a friend, who was the drummer of our youth band.  He had brilliant taste in music and put this song on one of the CDs that he made for me. I have a major thing for anything British so even listening to the main singer talk is good enough for me.  The way that this man sings, in his accent, brings such happiness to my life. The lyrics of their songs are a whole different story ("Get on your dancing shoes, you sexy little swine" - haha brilliant), but all-in-all a band that I would kill to see live.

² Song Number Two: 'SUGAAAR' - System of a Down

I listen to this band for the obvious reason;  it really helps me to calm down when I'm in a super angry mood.  I cannot say that I enjoy songs that are just pure screaming, but System is really not like that. You just want to laugh out loud when listening to it, because it's just all over the place.  Tolerate the screaming for 20 seconds in, it's at this part of the song that just makes me want to pull my arms and legs in and jump around like a Pogo's a cool music video too, little Lego men :D

² Song Number Three: 'Goin in' - Birdy nam nam (Skrillex remix)

I've never been a fan of the kind of music that doesn't make use of real instruments, but this one has to be an exception.  It just makes you feel good. 

² Song Number Four: 'Secret Crowds' - Angels and Airwaves

When I was young, I had probably at least fifty pictures of Blink 182 in my room.  I was obsessed with them and it broke my little heart when they broke up.  "Feeling this" has been my ringtone for the past five years or so and it has not changed once.  I never used to like Angels & Airwaves since they were a result of my favourite band breaking up, but I actually prefer them to Blink, today.  Secret Crowds has suuuch an amazing beginning and it's just a beautiful song! You have to listen to it super loud!

² Song Number Five: 'Feels like the first time' - Foreigner

Name one person who does not like this song! Just one. If you manage to find someone, that person is just silly and you should chuck them.  Simply, a great song. 

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