My feel-good song

Friday, 20 June 2014

My daddy gets his wish.

Early last year my dad was diagnosed with lymphoma - bone marrow cancer. He was extremely ill and even more emotional. Although this affected him the most, it had a great impact on all of his family. We stood by him through his treatment and on his worst of days and only a few months ago was he told that he had been healed. My dad is an extremely ambitious and spontaneous man who loves to spoil his family. On the day of his third treatment of chemotherapy, he said to my mom that he was in need of looking forward to something, something to literally live for. After a long talk with my mom about how we had no money due to the chemo and that it was not a good idea, my dad booked return tickets for us 5 as a family to England. He had no idea what we were going to do there and whether he would find the money to allow us to do anything besides sitting in Heathrow airport for three weeks, but he says that it was one of the things that he thought of while he was being injected in his weak and bruised hand for the 8th time or having his second bone marrow extraction in his back. 

We can officially say that next week Sunday we will be leaving for a 2 week Russian cruise and 1 week stay in London. My dad is healthy and even gaining back some muscle and hair. I will be using this spot as my personal travel diary, but instead of having my focus on the experience that my dad will be having, I have decided to focus primarily on every daily experience with God in a different environment. God is the sole reason for why my daddy is still around today and He is the way, the truth and the life. My dad had a revelation about Jesus Christ when he was in Rome a few years ago. This made me want to see every day as an opportunity to experience God in a new way. It is funny how when you are on holiday you often spend less time with God even though you have more time on your hands. So, this is my attempt to not allow the lack of a routine to prevent me from "fitting" God in...

Below are pictures of my sisters  and me from our last trip.